A Casca In Engleza

Posted : admin On 4/5/2022
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a cadea. Preturile au cazut. Un obiect neidentificat a cazut din cer.

to fall. Prices fell. An unidentified object fell from the sky.

a calatori. Voi calatori in Bulgaria pe acest timp saptamana viitoare. Vom calatori in Hawaii in curand.

to travel. I’ll be travelling to the Bulgaria this time next week. We will be traveling in Hawaii soon.

a calca. L-am auzit calcand pe hol. Am calcat peste o craca.

to step, to tread on. I heard his steps in the hall. I stepped over a branch.

a califica. El a fost calificat pentru aceasta slujba. Ea s-a calificat la jocurile Olimpice.

to qualify. He was qualifed for this job. She was qualified for the Olympics.

a candida. Sunt 5 candidati pentru alegerile prezidentiale. Va candida pentru postul de profesor Universitar.

to candidate. There are 5 candidates for the presidential election. He will candidate for the post of professor.

a canta. Cant in ploaie. Imi cânt bucuria de a trai.

to sing. I’m singing in the rain. I sing the joy of living.

a cantari. Cat cantaresti? Cantarim pestele pe care l-am cumparat din Delta Dunarii.

to weigh. How much do you weigh? We weigh the fish that we bought from Danube Delta.

a capata. Incerc sa capat aceasta slujba. Vreau sa capat o slujba buna in acest domeniu de activitate. Vreau sa capat ceva pe gratis.

to get, to obtain. I try to obtain this job. I want to get a good job in this domain. I want to obtain something for free.

a cara, Cara un bagaj pe umarul sau. L-am carat in spate pana la spital, pentru ca era ranit.

to carry. He was carrying a bag over his shoulder. I carried him on my back until the hospital, because was wounded.

a caria. Prea mult zahar iti v-a caria dintii. Copacul s-a cariat datorita batranetii.

to decay. Too much sugar will decay your teeth. The tree was decayed due to old age.

a carmi. Ea a carmit barca in port. La carma echipei de fotbal a venit alt antrenor.

to steer, to helm. She steered the boat into the harbour. At the helm of the team football came another coach.

a casatori. Ne vom casatori in curand.

to marry. We will marry soon.

a casca. Am cascat pe tot timpul concertului. Am cascat de pltictiseala uitandu-ma la acel film.

to yawn. I yawned all through the concert. I yawned of bored watching at that film.

a castiga. A castigat punctele. Ce voi castiga daca te ajut? El a castigat locul intai la Olimpiada de Matematica.

to gain, to win. He gained his points. What I will gain if I will help you? He won the first place at the math Olympiad.

a cauta. Ce cautati? Caut acul in carul cu fan. Motoarele de cautare sunt cl mai bun loc, loc unde va puteti promova afacerea proprie, mult mai usor si mult mai ieftin.

to look. What are you looking for? I look after the needle in a haystack. The search engines are the best place on the internet, the place where you can promote your own business, much easier and much cheaper.

a cauza. Ploaia a cauzat multe pagube pe camp. Cauzati numai probleme la locul de munca.

to cause. The rain caused a lot of dammage in the fields. You are causing only trouble at your workplace.

a ceda. Niciodata nu cedez. Cateodata cedam.

to give up. I never give up. Sometimes we give up.

a cere (pret). Ei ne-au cerut 400$ pentru doua nopti in hotelul lor. Compania aeriana ne-a taxat cu o suma de bani pentru bilete.

to charge. They charged us with $400 for two nights in their hotel. The airplane company charged us with an amount of money for the tickets.

a cere. Cere-i adresa! Cere-o in casatorie!

to ask, to propose. Ask her address! Propose her to marry you!

a cersi. Iti cersesc mila. Cersetorii cersesc pentru a putea cumpara ceva de mancare.

to beg. I beg your mercy. Beggars beg in order to buy some food.

a certa. Parintii se cearta des in legatura cu copiii. Cand eram mici obisnuiam sa ne certam des.

to quarrel. Parents often quarrel about children. When we were kids we get used to quarrel often.

a chefui. Studentii beti chefuiesc pe strazi. Fanii echipei de fotbal au chefuit mult timp dupa ce echipa lor a castigat meciul.

to carouse. The drunken students are carousing in the streets. Football team fans have carouse long time after their team won the match.

a ciocani. El ciocane la usa. El a ciocanit ceva tare. Ciocanitoare a ciocanit un copac, iar zgomotul s-a propagata repede.

to knock. She knock at the door. He knocked something hard. Woodpecker knocked a tree, and the noise was propagated quickly.

a ciocni, Masina s-a cocnit de copaci. Cioc, cioc!

to run into, to knock. The car runing into the trees. Knock, knock!

a cita. Preotul a citat din Biblie.

to quote. The priest quoted from the Bible.

a citi. Citesc in fiecare zi Biblia. La scoala profesorul ne-a lasat ca tema sa citim lectia referitoare la Africa.

to read. I read the Bible every day. At school the teacher gave us theme to read the lesson about Africa.

a ciupi. Bill mi-a ciupit bratul. Sotia l-a ciupit de picior ca sa nu adoarma la volan.

to pinch. Bill pinched my arm. The wife pinched him on foot not to fall asleep at the wheel.

a cloci. Zece pui de rata au fost clociti din aprilie.

to hatch. Ten little ducks have been hatched since april.

a coace. Ea a copt prajiturile. Coacem impreuna ardei capia.

to bake. She is baking cakes. We bake red pepper together.

a cobora. Pedeapsa sa a fost coborata de la zece la sase ani. Cobora din autobuz! Familia lui coboara dintr-o familie de nobili. Coboara un pic mai mult scara. Coboara de pe mine! (Da-te jos de pe mine!)

to descende, to let down, to lower, to get off. His penalty was lowered from ten to six years. Get off the bus! His family descended from a noble family. Lower down a little bit more the scale. Get off of me!

a compara. Nimic nu se compara cu tine. Azi vom face o comparatie intre nivelul de trai din diversi ani.

to compare. Nothing compares to you. Today we will make a comparison between the standard of living of various years.

a compatimi. Il compatimesc pentru prierderea locului de munca. Te compatimim.

to pity. I pitied him for the loss of his job. We are pity for you.

a compensa. Germania a compensat Israelul pentru pierderile cauzate in cel de-al doilea Razboi Mondial.

to compensate. Germany has compensated the Israel for the losses caused in the Second World War.

a se comporta. S-a comportat bine. S-a comportat ca de obicei de ziua sa.

to behave. He behaved well. It has behaved as usual on his birthday.

a compune. Apa este compusa din hidrogen si oxigen. Muzicianul a compus cele mai frumoase versuri de muzica clasica.

to compose. Water is composed of hydrogen and oxigen. The musician has composed the most beautiful classical music lyrics.

a concedia. Nu stiu de ce prietenul meu a fost concediat. L-am concedia pentru ca era prea lenes.

to dismis, to fire. I do not know why my friend was dismissed. I fired him because was too lazy.

a concepe. Nu concep nici o zi fara sa ma rog. Nu putem concepe aceasta realitate.

to conceive. I can’t conceive a day without praying. We can not conceive this reality.

a concura. Concureaza impotriva echipei noastre. Competitia ne face sa devenim mai buni.

to compete. He competes against our team. The competition makes us become better.

a condamna. A fost condamnat pentru furt. Acesta a fost condamnat de mai multe ori pentru jaf.

to convict. He was convicted of theft. It was convicted several times for robbery.

a conduce. I-a condus prin castel. El conduce o masina Opel Astra Bertone sport. Condu-i bine!

to drive, to lead. He lead them through the castel. He drives a sport car Opel Astra Coupe Bertone. Lead them well!

a se conforma. Ne-am conformat cu dorinta sa de a ne casatori. Ne-am conformat cu planul lui de afaceri.

to comply. We complied with his wish to be married. We complied with his business plan.

a confunda. Nu confunda datele problemei. Cineva m-a confundat cu tine mai devreme.

to confuse. Don’t confuse the issue. Someone confused me with you earlier.

a conserva. Trebuie sa ne conservam traditiile culturale. Legumele sunt conservate din toamna pentru iarna. Adevarul istoric trebuie conservat.

to preserve. We must preserve our cultural tradition. The vegetables are conserved in the fall for winter. Historical truth must be preserved.

a consimti. Ei nu vor consimti la acest tratament. Ei au consimtit sa se casatoreasca. (Ei au fost de acord sa se casatoreasca.)

to consent. They would not consent to this treatment. They consented to get married.

a consola. A fost asa de trista ca nimeni nu a putut sa o consoleze. I-am consolat cat de bine am putut.

to comfort. She was so sad that nobody could comfort her. We comforted them as good as we could.

a consta, a se compune. Romania se compune din trei provincii. Corpul omenesc se compune din trup si suflet.

to consist. Romania consist of three provinces. The human body is composed of body and soul.

a construi. Construim acum o noua casa. Relatiile se construiesc si se bazeaza pe incredere.

to build. We are building now a new house Relationships are built on trust and rely.

a conta. Nu conteaza ce metoda alegi. Ceea ce conteaza este rezultatul.

to matter. It does not matter which method you chooce. What matters is the result.

a contopi. Cele doua company s-au contopit formand una dintre cele mai mari compani din tara. Metalul s-a contopit intr-o frumoasa opera de arta.

to fuse, to merge. The two companies merged forming the largest company from the country. The metal merged into a beautiful work of art.

a contrazice. Acest raport contrazice adevarul. Rezultatele se contrazic unele pe altele. (Rezultatele se contrazic intre ele.)

to contradict. This report contradicts the truth. The results contradict each other.

a contura. Am conturat un plan pentru a rezolva criza politica. Pictorul a conturat chipul fetei fetei.

to outline. We outlined a plan to resolve the political crisis. The painter outline the shape of the girl face.

a conveni. Nu ne convin toate ideile. Asta ti se potrivste foarte bine. Ati convenit cu mine sa facem acest parteneriat. (Ati fost de acord cu mine sa realizam acest parteneriat.)

to agree. We do not agree all the ideas. You agreed with me to make this partnership.

a convinge. Ce te-a convins sa accepti aceasta slujba? Te vom convinge sa vii cu noi la mare anul acesta.

to persuade. What persuaded you to accept this job? We will convince you to come with us to the sea this year.

a copia. Propozitia a fost copiata de studenti. Este interzis la examen sa copiem.

to crib, to copy. The sentence was cribbed by students. It is prohibited to copy at the exam.

a corecta. Nu ezita sa ma corectezi daca spun ceva gresit. Profesorul a corectat lucrarile la biologie.

to correct. Don’t hesitate to correct me if I say something wrong. The Biology teacher he corrected the works.

a cosi. Am cosit fanul. Avem de cosit de dimineata pana seara.

to mow. We mow the hay. We mower from morning to evening.

a costa. Cat costa?

to cost. How much does it cost?

a crapa. Fereastra s-a crapat. Ramura a crapat si apoi s-a rupt.

to crack. The window cracked. Branch cracked and after was broke.

a crede. Cred in bunatatea lui Dumnezeu. Credem ca economia va incepe sa functioneze corect.

to believe. I believe in God kindness. We believe that the economy will begin to function properly.

a creste. Am crescut la tara. Am crescut profitul companiei atunci când am ajuns la conducere.

to grow up, to increase. I’ve grewn up in the country. I increased the company's profits when I got the lead.

a cruta. Cruta-ma! Regele va cruta vietile supusilor sai.

to spare. Spare me! The King will spare the lives of his subjects.

a cuceri. Imperiul Spaniol a cucerit vaste teritorii in America. Imperiul britanic a cucerit mai mult de o treime din globul pamantesc. Mongolii au cucerit in totalitate intregul continent asiatic.

to conquer. The Spanish Empire had conquered a huge territory in America. British Empire conquered more than a third of the globe. The Mongols conquered almost the entire Asian continent.

a culege. Culeg flori din gradina mea. Elena a cules o frunza cazuta toamna.

to pick, to reap. I pick flowers from my garden. Elena picked a fallen autumn leaf.

a cumpara. Cumpara paine! Batranul s-a dus sa-si cumpere medicamentul de la farmacie.

to buy. Buy bread! The old man went to buy the medicine from the pharmacy.

a cunoaste. Cat de mult il cunosti pe el? I want to know you better.

to know. How much do you know him? Vreau sa te cunosc mai bine.

a curata. Femeia curata geamurile. Facem curatenie in casa la fiecare sfarsit de saptamana.

to clean. The woman is cleaning the windows. We are cleaning the house every weekend.

a curge. Raul curge repede. Tara fagaduita unde curge lapte si miere.

to flow. The river flow in a rush. The promise land where are flowing milk and honey.

Traducere casca în Dicționarul Român Englez

(gura etc.): to open (wide)
(a intredeschide): to open slightly
(a intredeschide): to half-open
(usa): to set ajar
verb reflexiv
(a se intredeschide): to open slightly
(a se intredeschide): to half-open
(d. o prapastie etc.): to gape
(d. o prapastie etc.): to yawn
(de somn etc.): to yawn
(a sta cu gura cascata): to gape
(a sta cu gura cascata): to stand gaping
(a sta cu gura cascata): to seek gape seed
a casca gura = to open one`s mouth (wide)
a casca gura (a-si pierde vremea) = to gape about
a casca gura (a-si pierde vremea)

A Casca In Engleza Pe

= to stand gaping about
a casca gura (a-si pierde vremea)Engleza = to lounge/hang about
nu casca gura! = wake up!
nu casca gura! = look sharp!
a casca gura la ceva = to gape/stare at smth.

A Casca De Somn In Engleza

(mil): helmet
(poetic): helm
(coif): casque
(radio): head/ear phones